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File: Usedoilburnerguidance
division of environmental response and revitalization january 2021 used oil burners new guidance for rebuttable presumption this policy does not have the force of law hazardous waste program this guidance ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Division of environmental response and revitalization january used oil burners new guidance for rebuttable presumption this policy does not have the force law hazardous waste program document contains information businesses that burn off specification it summarizes ohio epa s burner management standards these requirements are detailed in administrative code oac rules through what is any synthetic or refined has been contaminated because its use examples include motor hydraulic fluid electrical insulating oils transmission compressor materials containing otherwise with including absorbents to abate spills leaks equipment where found can be contained various items would regulated as until such time properly drained all removed extent possible no visible signs free flowing remain on material filters shocks struts engines absorbent transmissions once from they longer by who a person burns meet rule purposes energy recovery either boiler an industrial furnace defined type unit qualifies gen...

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