business plan 2 year business plan department head brad maynes title general manager 2017 2018 phone 403 525 8614 e mail bramay medicinehat ca natural gas petroleum resources sub departments ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Business plan year department head brad maynes title general manager phone e mail bramay medicinehat ca natural gas petroleum resources sub departments departmental overview purpose to provide the maximum dividend possible city of medicine hat for benefit citizens objective conduct in a safe and ethical manner within regulatory standards maximizing shareholder value cash flow through controlling costs expedient abandonment non services provided by include economic assets optimizing current production asset development new revenue oil marketing generation divestment core accounting reservoir management performance reporting surface land environment total budget environmental stewardship expenditures mineral joint venture manage leases partner agreements contracts operations maintain optimize safely operate wells facilities pipelines subsurface technical discover sources projects table contents corporate mission statement organizational chart customers key indicators significant issues t...