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picture1_Oil Pdf 176966 | Introduction

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File: Oil Pdf 176966 | Introduction
ministry of higher education and scientific research university of tikrit college of engineering chemical engineering department petroleum refining fourth year dr aysar t jarullah university of tikrit college of engineering ...

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...Ministry of higher education and scientific research university tikrit college engineering chemical department petroleum refining fourth year dr aysar t jarullah b s syllabus objectives to impart the basic concepts processing manufacture petrochemicals develop understanding about post operations course description this presents a comprehensive introduction technology calculations focus is on transportation fuels refineries also discussed program includes an overview crude oil supply product demand followed with refinery process major technologies are described such as distillation heavy conversion options hydrotreating catalytic reforming learning outcomes associated downstream safety products properties specifications integrity methods for productions their no topics hours classification oils composition physical evaluation pre treatment fractionation atmospheric vacuum light end thermal cracking coking processes fluid hydrocracking isomerization alkylation dewaxing lubricating produc...

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