24 681 computer aided design spring 2013 constructive solid geometry using bsp tree 1 2 3 christian segura taylor stine jackie yang abstract constructive solid geometry csg is a pivotal ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Computer aided design spring constructive solid geometry using bsp tree christian segura taylor stine jackie yang abstract csg is a pivotal component of cad and cae packages allows us to represent complex shapes models as series boolean operations between primitives for example punching hole through cube would be difcult with an implict or explicit funciton the algorithm we have developed something like this represented simple operation cyllinder here present implementation efcient spatial datastructure called binary space partitioning these trees allow perform on in matter milliseconds paper validate our concept by performing intracate results show accurate keywords csegurar andrew cmu edu tstine jackiey departmentofmechanicalengineering carnegie mellon university pittsburgh united states contents intersection sphere union three differ ently oriented cylinders then nally subtract problemsummery composite model from rst one build d single layer gyrocube figure shows process described a...