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picture1_Geometry Pdf 166633 | Csg Item Download 2023-01-24 21-35-25

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File: Geometry Pdf 166633 | Csg Item Download 2023-01-24 21-35-25
komputer grafik 2 ak045206 constructive solid geometry csgcsg geometri padat konstruktif constructive solid geometry csg 1 24 komputer grafik 2 ak045206 outline penggertian constructive solid geometry csg geometri padat konstuktif ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Komputer grafik ak constructive solid geometry csgcsg geometri padat konstruktif csg outline penggertian konstuktif btbentukk sttanddar ccsgsg operasi boolean untuk ekpresi pernyataanekpresi pernyataan untukuntuk transformasi skala translasi dan rotasi objectobject rrepresentationepresentation real and virtual objects can be representedrepresented byby models such as spheres cylinders cones surface triangels quads polygons rendered either by object order rendering iimage orddder renderiing ii e ray ttraciing only tracing are commonly used to describe man made shapes computer aided design ctcomputer assiisttedd manuffactturiing constructiveconstructive solidsolid geometrygeometry consists of primitive sphere cylinder conecone pyramid cube box cannot consist half spaces points lineslines planes...

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