File: Geometry Pdf 168292 | Non Euclidean Geometry Lesson Plan
euclidean and non eulcidean geometry for this activity students work on problems to test their understanding of the axiomatic foundations of geometry by challenging their assumptions about geometry the exercise ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Euclidean and non eulcidean geometry for this activity students work on problems to test their understanding of the axiomatic foundations by challenging assumptions about exercise aims help them discover fundamental laws significance context underlying mathematical module can be implemented over three hour long class periods i lesson mathematics content process learning objectives a euclid s axioms b distance c pythogoras theorem d spherical ii hyperbolic iii projective e difference between related creativity traits questioning norms being inquisitive making connections other disciplinary including everyday life using measuring distances globe in art materials preparing strings protractors yard sticks rulers graph paper f printout g worksheets containing some basic involving such as formula rules triangles h plain beach balls marker pens preparation print out map earth showing following cities buffalo ny quito ecuador nanyuki kenya project world google onto screen these find actual fro...