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picture1_Geometry Pdf 166090 | Geometry Syllabus

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File: Geometry Pdf 166090 | Geometry Syllabus
geometry bring to every class assignments policy notebook assignments are due when class begins loose leaf paper incomplete or late assignments will not pencils receive full credit erasers cheating will ...

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...Geometry bring to every class assignments policy notebook are due when begins loose leaf paper incomplete or late will not pencils receive full credit erasers cheating be tolerated that were copied optional supplies s and students a calculator referral colored homework without name highlighters graded unless claimed glue stick if you four for during quarter detention absent it is your responsibility check onenote focus allowed calculators grading going purchase there two categories grades use must one summatives tests quizzes of the following types district exams baseline weekly midyear scrimmage can see formatives important classwork math nation documents textbooks new this year all issued we using textbook classtag workbook tardies enhance our learning responsible being throughout acceptable topics verbal warning learn phone call home about lines constructing angles polygons tutoring hours transformations monday wednesday triangles proofs before school am trigonometry after pm quadri...

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