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picture1_Leadership Pdf 163780 | Unit 10

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File: Leadership Pdf 163780 | Unit 10
unit 10 managerial quality and leadership 10 0 objectives after reading this unit you will be able to understand the importance of performance review managerial quality and leadership explain what ...

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...Unit managerial quality and leadership objectives after reading this you will be able to understand the importance of performance review explain what is distinguish between a leader manager describe activities functions outline qualities effective elaborate important styles theories or models with their merits limitations interpret application in library information areas discuss indian scenario about choose appropriate for managing centres introduction examines theme closely related motivating directing communicating efficiency effectiveness any organisation including libraries depend significantly on turn depends substantially one aspects management an centre programme measure its against set goals such assessment necessary knowing how performing as well meet accountability requirement stakeholders it not easy evaluate service oriented profit like normally s measured through outputs outcomes i e impact target markets environment also become when attempt made output allow systems poli...

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