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picture1_Leadership Pdf 163208 | Hec Ulg   Module Leadership   Version 2015 11 In 4 Hours

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File: Leadership Pdf 163208 | Hec Ulg Module Leadership Version 2015 11 In 4 Hours
track develop managerial skills module leadership sabine haine et jocelyne robert hec management school octobre 2014 agenda techniques 10 agenda objectives 20 introduction basic concepts theories 60 leading self 15 ...

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...Track develop managerial skills module leadership sabine haine et jocelyne robert hec management school octobre agenda techniques objectives introduction basic concepts theories leading self break others the organization game conclusions myths journey next steps evaluation wrap up a long time ago in galaxy far away you will get out at least what put this is build to be interactive it leverages following q lectures group discussions personal reflection coaching share of experience and feed back end session able understand explain around identify your style date thoughts learn from other s stories recognize evaluate nurture some strengths as leader both private academic professional life areas for development how could do differently tomorrow difference between manager overview different...

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