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picture1_Academic Pdf 114927 | Hec  Revised Framework Of Hec Distinguished National Professor Framework (dnp)(1)

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File: Academic Pdf 114927 | Hec Revised Framework Of Hec Distinguished National Professor Framework (dnp)(1)
th 35 meeting of the commission framework for hec distinguished national professor dnp program higher education commission islamabad 2019 0 th 35 meeting of the commission framework for hec distinguished ...

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...Th meeting of the commission framework for hec distinguished national professor dnp program higher education islamabad purposes and principles recognizing achievements outstanding academicians researchers enabling continued utilization their services in organizations title shall be awarded to scholars who are leaders respective fields have made significant contributions academic disciplines at international level is a prestigious an exceptional honor which solely on basis merit as assessed against prescribed eligibility criteria upon recommendation high selection committee constituted by evaluation only meritorious professors or emeritus please see annex i more details nominations can submitted any point career prospective candidate appointment position commence after birthday conclude dnps would treated regular faculty member although not eligible appointed administrative positions purpose establish that nominee person eminence he she active field able make educational vision universi...

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