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File: 2340 9894 Ars 62 02 118
https revistaseug ugr es index php ars e issn 2340 9894 issn 0004 2927 doi 10 30827 ars v62i2 15896 articulos originales attitude towards professional practice among community pharmacists in ...

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...Https revistaseug ugr es index php ars e issn doi vi articulos originales attitude towards professional practice among community pharmacists in kuala lumpur malaysia actitud hacia la practica profesional entre los farmaceuticos comunitarios en malasia m zakour khadari orcid khaled alakhali mogana rajagopal ahsan baig osama helweh faculty of pharmaceutical sciences department clinical pharmacy ucsi university thamar college medicine and health republic yemen taiz correspondence dr mohammed al akhali ucsiuniversity edu my alakhalikhaled gmail com yahoo received accepted published funding this work is supported by conflict interest the authors declare no acknowledgement pharm km et abstract objectives study was directed to evaluate attitudes determine their observed competence various activities methods a cross sectional conducted city questionnaire contained questions splitted into six sections that addressed several aspects demographic information involved licensed who pharmacies data w...

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