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picture1_Personality Pdf 96943 | Fulltext01

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File: Personality Pdf 96943 | Fulltext01
orebro university institute for behavioural social and legal sciences psychology the role of adolescent neuroticism for adult partner relationships and happiness psychology d 61 80p spring 2006 author nanette s ...

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...Orebro university institute for behavioural social and legal sciences psychology the role of adolescent neuroticism adult partner relationships happiness d p spring author nanette s danielsson supervisors hakan stattin margaret kerr betydelsen av ungdomsneuroticism vuxna partnerrelationer och livsgladjen institution beteende rattsvetenskap psykologi universitet partnerrelationens kvalitet ar tva aspekter relaterade till manniskans livsgladje data fran ett svenskt longitudinalprojekt anvandes att undersoka om dessa tillsammans verkar avgorande mattes vid ars alder genom high school personality questionnaire hspq neurotiska manifestationer ocksa mellan den vuxnes sedan med eysencks eqp i som utfallsmatt en neurotisk dimension adolescensen vuxen var relaterad totalt sett tycks vara de tydligaste forutsagelserna dels direkt paverkan indirekt via nyckelord livsbelatenhet positiv affekt negativ vt handledare department relationship quality are associated with a swedish longitudinal project w...

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