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...Climate change and agriculture effects adaptation reference document for page nca section science literature synthesis update references foundation risk analysis future peer reviewed created community of scientists no mitigation see cast report s adkins usda ars m nearing author team aillery ers d oosterhuis univ ar e ainsworth ort c parmesan plymouth uk ammann ncar w pettigrew walthall anderson ia state polley j hatfield i bartomeus rutgers r rader stockholm l lengnick warren wilson college baumgard k lewers marshall blumenthal t mader ne morgan p backlund f booker morton walsh oce b bradley ma muth id national laboratory bunce rice ks support burkey rivington hutton inst scotland dabney rosskopf salas applied geosolutions llc hauser delgado sollenberger fl rangel dukes purdue srygley robinson a funk stockle wa ford fs usgcrp garrett takle glenn timlin white grantz ca riverside winfree fac liaisons goodrich wright hu nc ziska gustafson monsanto izaurralde pnnl md howden csiro wuebbles...