File: Science Of Nutrition Pdf 150898 | 264356 Development Of Vegetable Seeds Incorpora 0924e1b8
international journal of environment agriculture and biotechnology ijeab vol 3 issue 3 may june 2018 http dx doi org 10 22161 ijeab 3 3 26 issn 2456 1878 development of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of environment agriculture and biotechnology ijeab vol issue may june http dx doi org issn development vegetable seeds incorporated cookies nutrient composition functional properties mineral analysis sensory evaluation ms mani sahai b sc home science honours university delhi m food nutrition diploma in processing banasthali vidyapith rajasthan india abstract jackfruit okra are popular fruit crops standard the physical with level grown by product obtained incorporation were carried out results depicted that oil during these seed absorption capacity was high i e good possess disposal problem if not handled properly amount dispersibility water scientific data shows powder but low percent has various health benefits like prevent cancer lowers solubility thus signify risk heart disease improves digestive system boost jackfruits a source immunity body maintains blood glucose levels nutrients helps to increase bone density keywords flour particularly rich proteins starch...