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picture1_Hbook Hindu S2

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File: Hbook Hindu S2
sect ion 2 ng i ct hindu beliefs affecting fe af fs e i bel health care u d h in h i n i d u n h b ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Sect ion ng i ct hindu beliefs affecting fe af fs e bel health care u d h in n b li ef r guidelines for services s a c f cti lt ea el nd hi l ie th t he providers handbook on patients food most holy days are based the lunar calendar and dates can vary from year to some festivals dietary practices depending occur over an extended period with celebrations individual customs lasting or weeks hindus do not eat beef pork many follow religious is published queensland vegetarian diet fasting common among but multicultural clinical support resource there no set rules decision fast up www qld gov au tools mcsr asp ayurvedic under this system certain foods classified as hot cold adversely positively affect conditions integral part of hinduism seen emotions means purifying body soul encouraging self discipline gaining emotional balance ti classification unrelated temperature generally those which salty sour high animal protein while may be practiced specific week during conjunction sweet bitter s...

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