File: The Environment Pdf 50194 | Repo Dosen 112011123251 83
3975 talent development excellence vol 12 no 1 2020 3975 3983 tri hita karana oriented education as an effort to integrate environmental education in bali high schools 1 2 3 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Talent development excellence vol no tri hita karana oriented education as an effort to integrate environmental in bali high schools ni ketut srie kusuma wardhani wayan karmini i putu sastra wibawa institut hindu dharma negeri denpasar indonesia email sriekusuma gmail com program studi pendidikan agama universitas niwayan yahoo fakultas hukum unhi ac id abstrak a good and healthy environment is the basic right of every indonesian citizen however problems are still chore that cannot be solved by people until now tackling problem damage not solely responsibility government but also educational institutions especially must able accommodate formation future successors who apply principles sustainability ethics from early age one policies taken order instill awareness importance through it expected produce human resources play active role preservation safety efforts for benefit present generations appropriate model needed can applied values thk concept which weakness contains such preservin...