43rd indian geography congress 2021 national association of geographers india nagi october 28 30 2021 second circular focal theme population environment health sustainable development goals and appropriate technologies post covid ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Rd indian geography congress national association of geographers india nagi october second circular focal theme population environment health sustainable development goals and appropriate technologies post covid scenarios chief patron hon ble vice chancellor banaras hindu university convener prof v n sharma head department varanasi to be organized online by institute science u p e mail nagiigc gmail com univ website www bhu ac in as per guideline its sop igc meet will go on mode organizing committee k shukla patrons anil tripathi director madhoolika agrawal dean fac vijay bahadur singh arts mishra soc chairperson r s yadava mobile co rai organising secretaries joint goswami d gownamani suman sarfaraz alam narendra rana gayatri dr verma sanyal muraree l meena seema tiwari sub committees members press media panel a sanjay kumar discussion memorial lectures harpreet abstract souvenir arun apala saha sabina bano roohi rawat programme kapil gavaskar shubhra vikram local hospitality ic techn...