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picture1_Nutrition Therapy Pdf 147985 | 20 1997 Burns

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File: Nutrition Therapy Pdf 147985 | 20 1997 Burns
13urus vul 23 no 6 pp 517 514 1997 d 1997 ekevier sciellce ltd for 1331 ai rights reserved printed in great britain 0305 ami 517 00 t 0 00 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Urus vul no pp d ekevier sciellce ltd for ai rights reserved printed in great britain ami t elsevier pi hospital made diet versus commercial supplement postburn nutritional support frema dhanraj ashok chacko mary mammen and ravindra bharathi department of plastic reconstructive surgery christian medical college vellore tamil nadu tndia therfore is as important any sqort mz imporfant aspect the mamgenrent o f other burns management burl ptiffs xlftritioil quple zenfation cm be ackie jed eithcv following can achieved by either kospital fmde i y diets carnmevcial are enteral or parenteral routes nutrition icaciciks but cx vensioc arld smetimes not easily available this usually avoided because its expense high study was undevtaken to compare ic zcy rind tolerance a rate complications given hos with twenty patients ivith harrzs ranging l wn per cent tbsa were s died although efficacious they conzynrr efficacy expensive sometimes cowmcrinl pmparatiorzs divided into two groups cheap ingredien...

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