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picture1_Strategic Management Accounting Pdf 86059 | Nixon  Burns (mar)

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File: Strategic Management Accounting Pdf 86059 | Nixon Burns (mar)
ore open research exeter title the paradox of strategic management accounting authors burns john nixon bill journal management accounting research deposited in ore 08 march 2013 this version available at ...

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...Ore open research exeter title the paradox of strategic management accounting authors burns john nixon bill journal deposited in march this version available at http hdl handle net copyright and reuse makes work accordance with publisher policies a note on versions presented here may dier from published if citing you are advised to consult for pagination volume issue date publication emeritus professor university dundee perth road dd hn united kingdom email w j ac uk accountancy business school streatham court rennes drive ex pu e corresponding author is also part time visiting whu otto beisheim germany centre empirical organizational control orebro sweden acknowledgement would like thank chartered institute accountants cima funding our abstract evidence that sma techniques have not been adopted widely developments literature seem languished be consistent relatively short lifecycle most sm tools many concepts nevertheless there an inherent contradiction between apparent decline sustain...

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