ournal of jobesity and chronic diseases https doi org 10 17756 jocd 2017 suppl2 meeting abstracts open access nd proceedings of the 2 international conference on obesity and chronic diseases ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Ournal of jobesity and chronic diseases https doi org jocd suppl meeting abstracts open access nd proceedings the international conference on obesity icocd keynote presentations breast cancer liver steatosis protection by weight loss reza hakkak soheila korourian department dietetics nutrition university arkansas for medical sciences ar usa pediatrics children s research institute pathology abstract has been an epidemic in us world more than two decades is associated with serious health conditions including type diabetes cardiovascular disease certain types cancers hyperlipidemia nonalcoholic fatty nafld a major cause abnormal function often dehydroepiandrosterone dhea dietary supplement that available many food stores shown as anti agent previously we reported promotes dimethylbenz anthracene dmba induced mammary tumors objectives this study were to investigate effects feeding tumor development female zucker rats randomly assigned had ad libitum water diet either control or at concent...