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picture1_Blt Fact Sheet  Nafld 141119

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File: Blt Fact Sheet Nafld 141119
supporting all those living with liver disease non alcohol related fatty liver disease what is a fatty liver a healthy liver should contain little or no fat however in some ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Supporting all those living with liver disease non alcohol related fatty what is a healthy should contain little or no fat however in some people builds up the leading to condition called sometimes referred as nafld if these deposits build over long time they can damage and stop it working properly s estimated that one three uk have most commonly are found who overweight obese although seen not drinking too much also cause of for more on this download our fact sheet from www britishlivertrust org publications how does when especially period inflammation body response harm first stage healing process but continues before damaged tissue repaired new cells t regenerate fast enough scar forms fibrosis spreads throughout affecting well works even changing its shape known compensated cirrhosis there may be any symptoms at often able keep quite occurs point permanent possible further stabilise removed will become unable function start fail decompensated end chemicals waste products normally d...

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