File: Nutrition Therapy Pdf 139669 | S12913 018 3702 9
khor et al bmc health services research 2018 18 939 https doi org 10 1186 s12913 018 3702 9 research article open access the state of nutrition care in outpatient ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Khor et al bmc health services research https doi org s article open access the state of nutrition care in outpatient hemodialysis settings malaysia a nationwide survey ban hock karuthan chinna abdul halim gafor zaki morad ghazali ahmad sunita bavanandam ravindran visvanathan rosnawati yahya bak leong goh boon cheak bee and tilakavati karupaiah abstract background this study aimed to assess situational capacity for delivery hd setting by evaluating dietitian accessibility practices patients outcomes methods item questionnaire was developed administered dialysis managers centers identified through national renal registry nutritional enabled crosscutting comparisons as per center sector results dedicated visiting shared service availability limited with greatest at government non governmental organization ngo private monitoring varied across albumin normalized protein catabolic rate body mass index bmi dietary intake both not associated achieving g l however were more likely p achieve pr...