et al bmc health services research 2022 22 878 dong https doi org 10 1186 s12913 022 08242 5 research open access implementing clinical pharmacy activities in hospital setting in ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Et al bmc health services research dong https doi org s open access implementing clinical pharmacy activities in hospital setting vietnam current status from a national survey phuong thi xuan hieu trung trinh duy huu nguyen son tu van thuy pham ha bich ngo susan hua shu chuen li and huong lien abstract background have evolved over the past decades contributing to all stages of patient care process especially however these practice roles may differ significant extent depending on healthcare policy countries magnitude adopting settings throughout country is still unknown since been implemented this study aimed ascertain performed within vietnamese methods nation wide was conducted december january two online questionnaires one for heads department pharmacists were designed based legal regulations about sent hospitals facilities with results total participated representing response rate among participating non specific widely across classes pharmacovigilance medication information standar...