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picture1_Nutritional Diseases Pdf 138551 | Environmental Disease

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File: Nutritional Diseases Pdf 138551 | Environmental Disease
environmental and nutritional diseases drlina haffar pr of pathology 1 environmental and nutritional diseases health effects of climate change injury by physical agents toxicity of chemical and physical mechanical trauma ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Environmental and nutritional diseases drlina haffar pr of pathology health effects climate change injury by physical agents toxicity chemical mechanical trauma thermal pollution electrical air produced ionizing metals as pollutants radiation industrial agricultural exposures tobacco malnutrition alcohol severe acute therapeutic drugs anorexia nervosa bulimia abuse vitamin deficiencies adverse drug obesity reactions diet systemic nontherapeutic cancer the term disease refers to disorders caused exposure or in ambient workplace personal environments including origin are surprisingly common international labor organization has estimated that work related injuries illnesses kill more people per year globally than do road accidents wars combined healtheffects global temperature measurements show earth warmed significantly since early th century especially mid s record breaking temperatures have become with each setting successive high records note warmest years occurred during st land was ...

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