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25 Improve Memory Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Improve Memory. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. All About Amnesia
..... Amnesia is a disorder of brain that affects the remembering aspect of once memory. It is caused by severe head injury or thru intake of toxic substance that affects the brain. Thought the disease can also impact those who suffer from paralysis or heart stroke. Those who suffer from Amnesia have a tough time remembering previously learnt information such as their name or language. Amnesia victims never remember their past or anything associated with it such as people, place etc. They are often seemed to be feeling confused or disoriented. This disease unlike Alzheimer can occur at any age. And thus can lead to a partial or full Amnesia disorder. In few cases patients are never left unsupervised too as they may harm themselves. If the person remembers remembers recent events then it is partial amnesia. The recovery process involves remembering the previous or past memory before the most recent memories. .....


2. Alzheimers
..... Alzheimers affects that part of brain that control thought, memory, and language, it is one of the most common form of Dementia (destruction of brain cells to cause decline in mental functions)but later it spreads to all regions of brain rendering it ineffective. The onset of Alzheimer slowly progresses and alters personality and behavior. In most cases anxiety, suspiciousness or agitation, as well as delusions or hallucinations are observed to be the few changes that is caused by the disease. Memory and thinking process are marred in the initial stages of Alzheimer. It is one of the rising causes of death in elderlies, as patients diagnosed for this disease barely survive more than six years. But the duration of the disease vary between three to twenty years. There is no permanent cure for the disease so far but effective care and support can help improve condition in the tenure of diagnosis to death. However, the condition can be avoided if healthy aging takes place in an individual. It also helps to reduce the risk of Alzheimer. The few best measure to ensure healthy aging involves constant check on cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, stress reduction, socially active lifestyle and regular exercise for body and mind. Unfortunately it takes longer to diagnose the disease as the brain damage starts much before the symptoms appear. By the time symptoms are visible nerve cells are already degenerated and extinct. The symptoms of disease vary but the first thing one notices is the loss of memory that starts interfering and affecting the regular life of an individual. Apart from this other noticeable changes are confusion and disassociation with the language and fumbling in familiar surroundings. The first sign noticed should be communicated to family or physician so that it can be identified early and the treatment is started without any further delay. Though there are no particular medical examination to conclude the disease but various tests (including physical and mental) and reviews from family and friend can benefit in diagnosis of the condition. Depression, hormonal changes such as thyroid and side effect of medication act catalyst for those who suffer from the disease and also makes prone to those who don't. Excessive drinking, unhealthy lifestyle and improper diet can also propel Dementia. .....


3. Brain Food
..... Our brain controls so many functions of our body besides being the powerhouse of information. Few vital functions of our brain are motor control, visual processing, auditory processing, sensation and learning. Considering all the functions of our brain there is no second thought that it is the most vital organ of our body beside our heart. Any kind of brain malfunction can be well understood if related to the current technology that is used in computer. The hard disk contains all the vital information of the computer and without it, the computer is as good as dead. If the hard disk crashes it is tough to recover it back and in most cases it cannot be recovered. Similarly if Amnesia or Alzheimer disease affects our brain it first destroys our brain cells and affects our memory. Loss of memory renders us useless, as we tend to forget all the skills that we have learnt over the period of time including language too. Any such disease can turn a human being into nothing less than vegetable. All the medications used to regain the memory back are used for brain nourishment. This can only be achieved thru universal nourishment of body and brain. In order to have them work both in tandem with each other we must feed our body properly at the same time keeps it active by participating in physical and mental activities such as jogging and memory games. Children in their early stages should specifically be taken care of. Right nutrition can ensure their physical as well as mental well being. Right from the stage of pregnancy, future mothers are administered the right dosage of multivitamins and folic acid to help the brain of fetus grow. In cases where folic acid and dietary supplements are not taken low or no mental growth is observed. In their growing phases children are feeded with health drinks as they become choosy and eat what they like. This leads to various deficiencies affecting growth. This has given rise to so many health capsules and drink but the best and trusted supplement is Cod liver oil. It is rich in Omega 3 fat that helps in better growth of brain. Research proves that children who have been given cod liver oil on a regular basis display good memory and active body. .....


4. Connecting Aging And Memory
..... It is a well-known fact that aging will affect memory for many different reasons. Family members, friends, spouses, and careers all suffer because of aging and memory loss. Loss of memory seems to be a part of life that may sneak up on a person, gradually growing worse until it is finally acknowledged as being serious to warrant attention. One of the least-heard-of ways people are affected by loss of memory is called male menopause. It seems to be more of an issue to keep the health problems affecting men a secret than it is for women. The male pride can be extremely sensitive in the areas of failing health. .....


5. Healthy Body Healthy Mind
..... The reliability of memory is still a question as in most cases it is distorted by suggestions. The certainty of memory depends on the encryption it had on the mind of individual and the duration too. As we mentioned earlier that diminishing memory is a result of neurons malfunction, there are three ways that can help us identify factors that can stimulate or memory. We should figure out ways to stop neurons from dying and stimulate growth of new neurons and by getting to have the existing neurons function efficiently. Memory i.e is chemical compound known as Ampakines enhances neurons functioning. Other ways generic ways to improve memory is to start taking memory training and practicing games such as cross words, brainteasers and other memory exercises. Apart from them consuming healthy diet rich in Omega 3 fats and antioxidants also helps. Five small meal patterns should be followed as it prevents blood sugar from lowering i.e the primary source of energy to the brain. Jogging and brisk walks helps in blood circulation and have been proved to reduce the risk of Alzheimer disease. Getting proper sleep and stress reduction helps curtailing the production of cortisol in our body that harms memory and is known to shrink memory center in brain. Regular practice helps us give a jog to our memory that is as fruitful as the physical jogging. We should let our brain run thru as many facts it retains and associate each with some picture, color or number to make it easier for recall. But accuracy of recall depends on proper functioning of three aspect of brain that part that form, stores and receives memory. At times dreams are made of distorted memories we usually club our experiences with a particular memory creating a new situation altogether. .....


6. Herbs To Improve Your Memory
..... Does it sound bizarre? Using herbs to improve memory have long been practiced not only by those in the United States, but in other countries as well. The American Indians, Orientals, Egyptians, and Greeks have all used herbs to enhance the mind. Spicy foods are said to increase the cognitive functions of your brain, and there are several spicy herbs available. Have you ever heard of turmeric? Maybe curry? Well, turmeric is an ingredient in curry. Curcumin is an ingredient in turmeric, which in turn works to improve your memory. It reduces the effects of diseases like Alzheimer's disease. Ginger is another herb, containing zingerone, which defends the neurons of the brain to improve memory. Cinnamon is a brain activity booster; simply smelling it enhances cognitive function and lifts the mood. All these wonderful spices can be found in your local grocery store, usually on the isle with the basic cooking ingredients such as flour and sugar. .....


7. How Do Science And Memory Connect
..... One way science and memory connect is through the side effects of a medication that may cause memory loss. Another way is through trying to improve memory. Take Alzheimer's for example. It is now a well recognized disease that has been under much scientific study. In this disease, memory loss begins when the entorhinal cortex, an area of brain involved in building new memories, loses neurons faster then they are being replaced. The human brain was once thought to have all the brain cells possible at birth. Now science has uncovered the fact that human and primate brains can generate new nerve cells (neurons) after birth. These nerve cells are made in the cerebral cortex throughout the life span. The number of neurons stays fairly constant, but the ones lost in each area are replaced anew. If the production of new ones can't keep up with those dying or being removed, the brain function begins to decline. Science has found that when the number is reduced by one-third, the short term memory begins to fail, hence Alzheimer's. .....


8. How To Memorize
..... To memorize is to store information in your brain for reuse later. The definition of memory is the power or act of remembering. The definition of remembering is to recall, to bring back to mind by an effort. Some people are able to memorize things temporarily and then forget them when they are no longer of use. Many times this is the case with a person who may study just for the sake of passing a test containing information they don't feel is of particular importance, yet they are required to know it anyway for a job or to pass to the next level of a class or school. Preschoolers must make the effort to memorize the alphabet, to recognize colors, to write their names. This type of information is of importance in their daily lives as they go through each year of school. Often an older child will have to memorize the multiplication tables or all the states in the United States. .....


9. Improve Memory To Help Your Career Skills
..... Women are known to multitask. It is a talent many are proud of, often performing out of mindless repetition, often learned because of their experience rearing their children, sometimes learned because they grew up in a large family where everyone had to work together to keep the household in order. Is it a wonder that at some point they become overworked and overstressed and forget something important? In the business world, your career skills depend heavily upon your memory. It could make or break your chance to get that long-awaited and much deserved promotion or maybe the vacation you've earned. One little forgetful mistake and everything could fall apart. No pressure, right? .....


10. Improving Memory Using Memory Exercises
..... If you are a student struggling to study for a big test, you may soon learn that you will need the help of certain tricks to make your study life easier. Many students of all ages benefit from learning memory exercises. Teachers usually try to help their students by suggesting certain exercises that they themselves have used or that they have learned since beginning to teach. Of course, each person must use whatever appeals to them. What works for one won't necessarily work for another. This lesson has been demonstrated in the simple act of teaching a child to tie a shoe. His concentration may be thrown askew and result in frustration when asked to try a new way to learn. Maybe one parent teaches a different method, or the grandparents disagree on what is best. .....


11. Improving Memory Using Mnemonic Tools
..... For those of you who may have never heard of the word, mnemonic means memory aid. It's an adjective related to things that help memory improvement. Teaching tools, if you will. If you are a movie buff, you may have heard of the one called 'Johnny Mnemonic', a 1995 feature involving a data courier. Keanu Reeves is the star of the film. He carries a large data package, 320 gigabytes in size, in his mind. If he doesn't deliver it from Beijing to Newark, it will kill him. I suppose you could call this forced memory. It wasn't his brain that developed this computer chip, this memory tool. It contains a cure for a nerve syndrome of the future and puts his life in danger. .....


12. Memory And Your Health
..... Want an enviable memory? Start leading a healthy life fused with exercises that boosts blood circulation to that area of brain that is responsible for memory. A sedentary lifestyle causes not only a lethargic body but also a diminishing static brain. While you take a jog make sure that that the exercise regimen also includes cardio vascular exercises. A lapse is memory can often be an indication of start of Alzheimer disease especially in elderlies. With growing awareness of the disease it is more probable that people suspect disease the moment they identify a small gap in memory. It mostly occurs at the age of 50 or more with ageing and diminishing nutrition. A lot also depend on the stress level for memory to detoriate before time. However, it is perfectly normal to forget a thing or two at later stage in life. Besides stress, people deprived of sleep specially those working odd hours are prone to memory loss. Only a well-rested body and brain can perform well. .....


13. Recover Diminishing Memory
..... There are various ways to recover diminishing memory. Few aids have been discovered to assist them entire procedure such as Memory Lifter it helps in memorizing vocabulary or language. Hormonal therapy is used in women to help their retarding memory due to menopausal hormonal change in the body. It has proved the hormonal therapy has direct and immediate on the critical part of brain that controls memory functions. It also lowers the risk of Alzheimer in women. However more research is going into this study and few experts have criticized this therapy. But critics have also criticized Mnemonics and mention that this technique is not 100 accurate actually no technique is 100% fool proof as there is always room for one to forget and Mnemonics and its dynamics are complicated for people who are unaware of Esperanto grammar besides it also carry some costs. There is also this myth that with age memory detoriates but it's not true for all as few people are less prone to memory loss and Alzheimer because a well trained mind is stronger than other system of our body and though it does loses some neurons due to ageing but a lot depends on training and knowledge. Popping pills are considered to be a solution by many but the supplements just makes our body healthier and thus automatically affecting the activeness of our brain hence no memory pill is a magic pill to boost memory. But still there are many who believe in consuming memory food to enhance their memory. Though taking regular vitamins and minerals are good for health and body but excess of anything is harmful and it goes for the herb Ginkgo Biloba too. .....


14. Research On Memory Loss
..... As the threat of memory based diseases such as Amnesia and Alzheimer is increasing, the medical fraternity is trying their best to come out with the best of solution. Several researches are being carried on globally to make difference to such conditions. Some achievement has been made so far but nothing considerable as come so far. As Alzheimer is being a constant threat to the growing number of elderlies according to one of the statistics nearly 65% of them are exposed to the disease. Little diagnosis could be made so far as not too many are aware of the condition and refer it to the aging process. Until they realize that it's affecting their quality of life. So much so that it has damaging effect on them in various ways such as psychological, emotional and financial. Especially in a nuclear family setup older folks find themselves ignored most of the time. Due to ignorance and little awareness the disease is barely diagnosed on time and leads to death. Current research on memory loss reveals that Omega 3 fats are helpful in declining such conditions. Folic acid and folate are also known to help the condition; supplements if taken for 3 years can significantly help on improving cognitive functions. People who consume fish on a regular basis have lesser chances of suffering from any form of Dementia. Vegetables also are known to be rich in few minerals and vitamin that helps in neurons functions. Exercise is however the most important way to keep the brain active as it leads to better blood circulating throughout body and brain. .....


15. Take Early Action To Retain Your Mental Health
..... The entire process of storing, retaining and recalling information is known as memory. Many a times we have thought about how bad we fare on our mental capacity to remember things but we seldom take it seriously however recessing memory is a serious health disorder. Action taken early can go a long way in restoring our mental health. Experts have designed so many ways to overcome the disorder or improve the condition. One of such tools is called mnemonics it enhances our capacity to remember things based on similarity. It is the neurons in our brain that send and receive signals. The stronger neurons connections are the better the memory is. If we practice ways to strengthen and protect them it can go a long way in ensuring a better memory, which generally degrades with age and mental disorders such as stress. So one should try reducing stress and getting involved in leisure activities. Try to experience new experiences and skills and move away from routine functions. Try new adventures and challenges and give body and mind new environments to function. Exercise regularly and do include brisk walk and cardiovascular exercises to enhance blood flow to brain to enhance its growth. Stimulate brain by involving oneself in brainstorming puzzles and quizzes. Read thru various magazines and books and stay update with newspapers. Try retaining as much information as possible and recall on a regular basis by referring to them in conversation. Avoid medication such as antidepressants and sleeping aids, as they tend to dull our mind. One should also try to kick unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking and getting involved in drugs/doping. Making sure to get adequate hours of sleep (minimum 8 hours per day) also ensures to help our brain stay active. .....


16. The Dangers Of Memory Loss
..... One cause of memory loss is from sleep deprivation. Have you ever gone to school or work in your house shoes because you were too sleepy to remember to change shoes? Have you locked yourself out of your home because you were still groggy from lack of restful sleep only to remember (too late) that your house and car keys were still lying on the kitchen table? Have you put your sunglasses atop your head, then searched frantically for them because you forgot? Sometimes memory loss can be funny. It is sure to give you a few silly stories that produce giggles. Undoubtedly, memory loss will serve to uncover forgotten tales of another person's experiences. Even little children can recall instances of memory loss resulting from lack of sleep. .....


17. The Memory Of The Mind
..... Have you ever heard someone say an elephant never forgets? Maybe someone you know was compared to an elephant in a similar way, as in having the memory of an elephant. The mind of an animal can be substantially large in its learning capacity, using memory to perform amazingly in many ways. The mind can shut down memory, temporarily or permanently, depending on whether or not what it endured was a traumatic event that the mind just refuses to access or a scant bump to the head. People have protected themselves subconsciously by disengaging the memory. The mind sometimes seems to play tricks on us by confusing one memory with another. Sometimes this causes the person to be unable to function in society. What seems to be a problem with memory can actually be a problem with the processing of information going into the mind. .....


18. The Stress Of Alzheimers
..... There is no cure for Alzheimer but care and cure can go along way in improving the condition as the disease is considered to be life threatening and has no permanent cure whatsoever. However, alternative medicine help is being sought in order to help the condition. These includes herbs and dietary supplements. But the challenges faced by alternative medication are that the safety and effectiveness is unknown. Purity is also an issue, as FDA has no authority over supplement production. Side effects and reactions are goes unnoticed and documented in most cases and closes the door to further research. Consumers rarely read the warnings and in some cases they are not even documented on the product. Most of the supplements are known to counteract with the prescribed medication and can seriously accelerate one or more adverse reactions. According to a recent study 1 out of 10 elderlies suffer from this disorder and by 2050 14 millions in America are probable to suffer from this disease. The disease has seven stages and the duration of suffering varies from three to twenty years. The disease is inherited in most cases. In few cases it is acquired due to physical illness clubbed with irrational habits such as drugs, drinking and smoking. As the disease is labeled as the most complex disease any permanent cure has not been reached as of yet. People from Alzheimer suffer for years, and their sufferings are not limited physically but more so psychologically and emotionally. Eventually they die after suffering for 6 years after diagnosis however their neurological system is affected by disease much before that at times even for twenty to twenty five years. The worst experience for the patients is that they die in midst of strangers as they forget their family and friends and keep tracing their identity till they are consumed by the disease completely. .....


19. The Study Of Memory Improvement
..... There has been more than one study on how to improve memory and reasons for memory loss. Let's review some causes for impaired memory. Suppose you decide you need help enduring a nerve-racking airplane ride, so you swallow one of the calming, hypnotic prescription drugs designed for insomniacs and sufferers of panic attacks or anxiety. These are drugs like alprazolam, triazolam, or zolpidem. (One well-known drug that has become more popular just in the past few years is Ambien.) Unfortunately, a side effect of such a drug is a condition also known as 'traveler amnesia'. .....


20. The Words Evade Me
..... If you've ever felt like you're losing your mind because you're drawing mental blanks more often it's time to examine your cause for memory loss. Sometimes there is more than one change to be made for a person to get back to normal with their ability to remember. Are you stressing yourself too much by taking on too many projects at once? This will cause you to become preoccupied, and you may feel as though you can't afford to take the time to relax and recharge your brain. But to do the best job no matter what the job, one must take care of oneself. Besides the physical damage of overworking, over-thinking will lead to mental meltdown. Your short-term memory will begin to suffer, causing you to forget even the simplest of words. .....


21. To Improve What Oh, Yes Memory
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22. Various Ways To Improve Memory
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23. What Can I Do For Memory Improvement
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24. What Goes In Must Find A Way Out
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25. Why Would You Memorise
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