student name total 29 points eat this not that rubric students will create an informational piece explaining what foods are better to eat than others and why choose 2 comparable ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Student name total points eat this not that rubric students will create an informational piece explaining what foods are better to than others and why choose comparable from one restaurant make the argument as is other based upon nutritional value information provided in menus ex applebee s steak grilled shrimp against vs spinach salad requirements facts about each of chosen options calories fat carbohydrates protein cholesterol sodium paragraph supporting defending your decisions did you know fact on food side regarding nutrition or health water makes up around human body trans also known hydrogen oil never leave once it eaten a visual for both category excellent competent needs work unacceptable decision no were format same contains does include paragraphs only sentences accurate any inaccurate pieces includes included titles option all but more menu names item missing incorrect being compared writing there spelling grammar grammatical mistakes assignment attractiveness organization ...