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picture1_Diet Therapy Pdf 134107 | Diet Chart   Nn   1600  Cal

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File: Diet Therapy Pdf 134107 | Diet Chart Nn 1600 Cal
meal plan for people with diabetes 1600 k cal dietdiet name date age sex ht wt diet which can be taken in a day household food items k cal qty ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Meal plan for people with diabetes k cal dietdiet name date age sex ht wt diet which can be taken in a day household food items qty measures milk without cream and sugar ml glass curd gms cups bread brown slices chapati dosa wheat our or cooked rice dal fish curry chicken piece egg boiled cup vegetables seasonal uncooked roots tubers fruits serving oil teaspoons nutrients energy protein carbohydrate fats sodium mg potassium foods to preferably avoided fried puri samosa paratha pakoda etc sweets jaggery cake chocolate jam honey cold drinks all sweet sugarcane juice alcohol tinned juices medium size compiled from nutrition value of indian national institute icmr hyderabad the content is not intended substitute professional medical advice always seek your doctor other qualified healthcare provider any questions you may have regarding condition treatment changing apis bull logo are registered trademarks novo nordisk s limited quantity dry groundnuts almonds dates grapes cashewnuts mango ba...

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