The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Glycemic index food chart beans peas asha baked low fat c ashi oean hot cereal black arge flake rolled or steel cut oats ld ashioned slow eyed cook butter atural uesli cannellini at bran chickpeas garbanzo condiments seasonings aricot capers talian chili powder good choices gi under idney tracts anilla etc entils arlic ia ra y i a cal per ser ing ung herbs spices eas orseradish igeon uus into ayonnaise free efried ustard oano alsa no added sugar oybeans auerkraut plit oy sauce sodiu beverages eriyaki lond ilk nsweetened inegar all types bottled water orcestershire club soda dairy coffee w ski butterilk erbal teas cheese ight instant chocolate cottage crea nonfat plain tra eg aughing cow boursin ea la ored yogurt with sweetener breads rozen cup hole grain high fiber bread grains higher our rrowroot flour whey protein barley fats nuts oils oat wheat londs liit size buckwheat canola oil s g seed bulgur cashews laseed aut not puffed azelnuts uinoa acadaia ice basati brown long wild heat be...