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picture1_Nutrition Care Process Pdf 131879 | Abstract

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File: Nutrition Care Process Pdf 131879 | Abstract
standardized nutrition care process in tuberculosis patients with diabetes mellitus type ii 1 2 3 devi waryan kurniawati isti suryani idi setiyobroto department of nutrition health polytechnic yogyakarta st tata ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Standardized nutrition care process in tuberculosis patients with diabetes mellitus type ii devi waryan kurniawati isti suryani idi setiyobroto department of health polytechnic yogyakarta st tata bumi no banyuraden gamping sleman email waryankurnia gmail com abstract background tb is a disease caused by the bacteria mycobacterium which affects lungs dm risk factor for and can affect presence response to treatment defined as chronic metabolic disorder multi etiology characterized high levels blood sugar accompanied impaired carbohydrate lipid protein metabolism result insulin function insufficiency dr moewardi hospital at laboratory examination service there were cases becoming top diseases that hospitalized management appropriate nutritional needed maintain optimal status prevent severity accelerated healing objective describe implementation pagt method case study location surakarta research subjects one criteria primary data obtained from measurements interviews respondents while seco...

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