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50 Aquarium Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 21 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 50 txt files containing articles about aquarium. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Adding An Oyster To The Ecosystem Inside A Saltwater Aquarium
..... Saltwater aquariums can make a lovely addition to a home, and are a source of endless fascination to young and old alike. The different fish and plant life which are capable of living in a saltwater aquarium are both exotic and beautiful, and provide a rich introduction to life under the sea. Fish and plants are not the only things which can be found in the deep blue, however, and it is becoming more and more common for aquarium owners to attempt to incorporate these other elements into their home aquarium. Artificial oysters which open up and blow bubbles into the water have been a part of home aquariums for many years. With the increase in desire to perfectly emulate the ocean floor live oysters are becoming a common addition to saltwater aquariums. It is not common but not unheard of for a pearl producing oyster to be offered as an addition to a home aquarium; however, it is generally their less productive relations that become permanent residents. Since scallops and oysters have more specific needs than many of the inhabitants of the home aquarium it is necessary the aquarium owner be sure that they are prepared to make these adjustments prior to installing the oyster into the aquarium. .....


2. Creating The Perfect Reef Aquarium
..... Just as nature above the sea level is as variable as the sun, from the deserts of Arizona to the snow topped caps of the Swiss Alps, so can the world under the sea be a constant study in contrasts, with no two reefs the same. This is good news for the underwater enthusiast who is attempting to establish the perfect reef aquarium in their home; there is no established "formula" for the perfect tank. There's plenty of room for creativity! One thing that cannot be shirked upon is the size of a tank. It must be more than adequate to allow the species of fish that are chosen to inhabit it plenty of room to exercise and grow. Just as a person cannot thrive in an enclosed environment, neither can a fish. A 75 gallon tank is a generous size for the home marine biologist to establish their own eco-system and allows for space for several species of fish to spread out (provided they are compatible species, of course. Putting two species together who are unsuited to tank life together is a recipe for disaster, regardless of the size of the tank). .....


3. Custom Saltwater Aquariums Aquascaping
..... The Chinese Emperor, Hungwu, established a company that is credited for building the very first aquariums, in 1369. The aquariums Hungwu's company designed were little more then porcelain tubs that were then used to house Goldfish. As the years passed, these tubs started shrinking in size until they bore a strong resemblance to the aquariums we are familiar with today. Almost five hundred years later, in 1841, a tropical aquarium was introduced to the world. At the time of its introduction, toy fish and a few aquatic plants were the only inhabitants. Today the creation and maintaining of aquariums is the one of the most popular hobbies in the world, second only to stamp collecting. It is believed that over sixty million people maintain aquariums in their homes. It is estimated that forty percent of that sixty million are thought to have at least two active tanks. .....


4. Easiest Way To Setup A Saltwater Aquarium Part 1
..... Establishing the Basic Needs of the Tank Everyone has admired the large saltwater aquariums that can be found in the offices of most dentists, physicians, cosmetologists and marine enthusiasts but have believed them to be far too much work to bring into their own homes. Fortunately, this is not the case. While the process of establishing a saltwater aquarium can be a costly one, in terms of manual labor there is a very simple method which almost guarantees success. .....


5. Easiest Way To Setup A Saltwater Aquarium Part 2
..... Establishing Live Rocks in an Aquarium Aquariums are beautiful in their own right, particularly ones which are large enough to make the viewer feel as though they have been transported into an underwater wonderland. For many individuals the inside of a clear glass aquarium is as close as they will ever come to the wonders of the world beneath the ocean's surface, and for that reason an aquarium which is as close to the natural habitat of its inhabitants as possible is a joy unto itself. .....


6. Easiest Way To Setup A Saltwater Aquarium Part 3
..... The 30 Day Cycling Process The importance of the thirty day cycling process cannot be understated; this is a vital part of establishing the ecosystem of each individual aquarium. The exact processes which are occurring during this cycle, however, are often not well explained, or else they may be a little too well explained and no one without a degree in organic chemistry can understand a word that is being spoken. .....


7. Good Deals On A Saltwater Aquarium
..... Aquariums make a lovely addition to any home, and the exotic nature of a saltwater aquarium and the tropical fish who inhabit it have caused these household decorations to rise in popularity over the years. Unfortunately, because of their exotic nature and high demand it can often be quite costly to purchase and outfit a saltwater aquarium. The tank is not the only factor to be considered when calculating cost, although it is bound to be one of the greatest. There is also the cost of the plant life, sand, gravel or silt, the rocks (particularly if you are using live rocks), coral, the filtering system, the stand, the lights and, of course, the fish themselves. With all of these costs it is no wonder that people look for deals whenever possible when attempting to put together their aquarium. The most common venue for purchasing an aquarium is to simply go to some form of pet store, such as Petsmart, that offers all of the things that are needed to establish a saltwater aquarium in one convenient location. This is much easier than attempting to put together an aquarium piece by piece and is the method generally chosen for those who do not want to wait months for their aquarium while they attempt to find the perfect pieces at the perfect bargain, an often frustrating hunt. These pet stores can also be invaluable when it comes to obtaining the saltwater and chemicals necessary to get the aquarium up and running; however, unless the store is running a special this is probably not going to be the method of choice for getting a good deal on an aquarium. .....


8. Great Deals When Purchasing A Saltwater Aquarium On E Bay
..... With the world quickly entering the age of the virtual consumer it seems as though everyone is looking to the internet to purchase and sell their goods. The savvy consumer can find everything from fungus to jewelry throughout the mysterious twists and turns of the world's largest shopping mall. Is it any wonder, then, that e-Bay, the all in one auction site where buyers can literally buy almost anything, is becoming one of the largest "retailers" in the world? Of course, just because they are beginning to exert a dominance over the international market is no reason for consumers not to take advantage of the deals that can be had by shopping on e-Bay. e-Bay is an auction site, not a retailer. Many of the sellers who are listing their wares on e-Bay have a greater interest in finding a good home for them than in making a good profit-and the added bonus of no longer tripping over them when they walk through their house doesn't hurt either. Due to the fact that most of these sellers are interested in moving their products as quickly as possible the opening bids are generally well below market value. .....


9. How To Install A Wall Mounted Aquarium
..... The life under the sea has long fascinated the landlubbers who attempt to learn its mysteries, and the privilege of being able to bring a small piece of it into their homes has proved too difficult to resist. Saltwater aquariums can be seen in homes around the world, containing everything from tropical fish to sharks and stingrays. For many, however, it is not enough to simply have a tank sitting in the middle of whatever room they have chosen to plant it in for them to look at and admire. They wish to be in the middle of the ocean itself, to find themselves surrounded by the marine life they have long admired. Unfortunately, although science has made many advances in that area it is not yet possible for man to live under the sea. A small taste of what is would be like to have the ocean as your floor, walls and sky can be obtained by installing an in wall aquarium. .....


10. How To Safely Change The Water In Your Saltwater Aquarium
..... As with people fish thrive when kept in an environment as close to their own as possible. For this reason aquariums should be carefully structured to imitate the natural environments of the species it is home to as closely as possible. Even if it is not possible to duplicate exactly the living conditions found in the deep blue the fish will benefit from the effort. Fish are also very adaptable creatures. It is what allows them to live and thrive in captivity when many other marine animals are unable to make the change. The fish will adapt to the environment around them and learn to live in the conditions of their tank. It is important that these conditions remain as constant as possible. As in nature a tip in the balance of the elements in an aquarium can bring with it devastating consequences. It is important that changes in the aquarium environment be few and far between. .....


11. Making Your Home Saltwater Aquarium Picture Perfect
..... Imagine the joys of being able to take the picturesque beauty of the Baltimore National Aquarium and bring it into your home. Unless you are a true enthusiast of the aquatic world you probably do not have the resources required to install a twenty foot tropical fish tank in your walls or an open shark tank in your living room (and really, why would you want to?) but with some creative aquascaping you can make your home saltwater aquarium every bit as picture perfect as the ones designed by the professionals in Baltimore. When selecting decorations for your home aquarium you will be given an option of decorating with either plastic accoutrements or bringing nature into your home by installing live plants and other organisms in your aquarium. The choice is certainly yours; however, bear in mind that the fish you will be installing in your tank undoubtedly would be using the types of things that you would consider decorations for shelter when out in the wild. Therefore, it is in the best interests of your fish (and your aesthetic senses) to go the natural route. .....


12. Preparing Your Custom Made Saltwater Aquarium
..... There is little in life as pleasing as the beauty of a fully outfitted, custom made saltwater aquarium and the aquatic residents that make it their home. The process of purchasing an aquarium is an easy one for many-after all, there are so many choice for the decorating of such a thing that they seem to be almost endless-but the process for establishing maximum utility and making the aquarium livable for its new residents is a bit more complicated. The first thing that needs to be done after the purchase of a new aquarium is to cleanse the tank itself and all of its accessory parts with freshwater, sans soap, and a soft cloth. This will remove any dust and chemicals which it may have accumulated while in the factory and prevent them from harming the fish. Once all of the parts have been cleaned the tank should be set upon a level stand which has been placed an appropriate distance from the wall to enable the electrical cords to reach an outlet plug with a minimal risk of minor amounts of sloshing from the tank causing an electrical fire. A soft cloth should be placed beneath the tank to keep the condensation from the saltwater aquarium from causing damage to the surface of the stand beneath it. .....


13. Purchasing A Tropical Saltwater Aquarium
..... It would be a mistake for a person to plan on putting together a tropical saltwater aquarium without first learning how to set the aquarium up first. Before you can set up your aquarium and start filling it with exotic fish you need to purchase the items that will make your tropical saltwater aquarium a success. .....


14. Saltwater Aquariums And Aquarium Algae Prevention
..... Anyone who has had an aquarium knows that algae is unavoidable. It is just one of the things that fish owners, both salt and freshwater, have to deal with on a regular basis. There are four main variety's of algae; green algae, brown algae, red-brush algae, and blue green algae. .....


15. Saltwater Aquariums From A Z Purchasing An Aquarium
..... There are a million different types of aquariums on the market, and with the number of choices available and the fact that there is no guaranteed formula for success for creating a saltwater aquarium it can be very difficult for individuals to choose which type of aquarium they should purchase. There are a number of factors which should be considered before the would be biologist ever sets foot inside a pet store. The first is size. As trite as it may sound an aquarium is a definite example of a time when size matters. The size of the aquarium must be sufficient to hold the types and number of fish which the owner intends to place inside. Just as you would never attempt to place a large goldfish inside a small bowl neither should you attempt to place a large saltwater fish in a small aquarium. This is particularly true if you are attempting to add a small carnivore, such as one of the smaller breeds of shark, to your home. These predators need space to swim or they will slowly make themselves mad and perhaps even perish from the confinement (a bit melodramatic and Victorian, but true nonetheless). .....


16. Saltwater Reef Aquariums
..... Historically saltwater aquarium owners have shied away from reefs. No one could understand why when these coral reefs were put into an aquarium the reef had a depressingly short life span. Now, thanks to some very persistent aquarium owners, fans of the saltwater aquarium's can enjoy the beauty of their very own coral reef. Their are reefs for every aquarium owner, from the raw beginner to the experienced professional. The saltwater enthusiast can now find the saltwater coral that best suits their abilities, whether they are a rank beginner or an experienced professional. Zoanthus Coral is a wonderful choice for the person who is just beginning to add coral reef to their saltwater aquarium. Reef enthusiast find that Zoanthus is a hardy coral that flourishes in most saltwater tanks. Zoanthus coral does not like to be fed a meaty diet and prefers to have its food finely chopped. Zoanthus Coral can be found in a variety of colors, many experienced saltwater reef aquarium owners like to use Zoanthus as a filer coral for their more temperamental varieties of coral reef. Zianthus is also called Sea Mat and Bottom Polyps. .....


17. Save Money On Distilled Water In Saltwater Aquariums
..... Once upon a time, people believed that heating distilled water was dangerous because it heated faster then regular tap water. This has since been proved to be untrue. Distilled water does not heat any faster then your everyday, run of the mill, tap water. The definition of distilled water is water that virtually has had all its impurities removed through the act of desolation. Water is distilled by boiling it. As the water boils the steam is captured and then re-condensed into a clean container. Many companies have started considering cheaper alternatives for purifying water, one such method is deionizing the water. As of yet alternate methods, while successful, have been unable to completely purify the water. .....


18. Setting Up A Reef Saltwater Aquariums
..... Saltwater enthusiast have developed a love affair with coral reefs. There is nothing they love better then to design, stock and maintain a saltwater aquarium that is teaming with coral. For years only the most adventurous were brave enough to tackle the challenges proposed by a reef saltwater aquarium. Until recently coral reef was notoriously hard to maintain. .....


19. Stocking Your Saltwater Aquarium With Tropical Fish
..... When most people look at a saltwater aquarium the first thing they notice are the fish. Fish of all shapes, sizes, colors, styles, and personalities. One of the most devastating things that can happen to a tropical fish lover after they have gone to the effort and expense of purchasing an aquarium and setting it up is to purchase fish that are riddled with disease that die shortly after they are brought to their new home. The odds of purchasing a healthy fish is by purchasing it from a reputable pet store. If you walk into a store that sells pet fish for private aquariums and your immediately flattened by the odor of rotting seafood turn around and walk away. It isn't unusual for fish stores to have a peculiar musty scent. Strong odar can indicate a store who is not as concerned as they should be about the care of their animals. .....


20. Successfully Raising Coral In Saltwater Aquariums
..... When people start a saltwater aquarium they do so because they have an compulsion to create a miniature version of the ocean in their living room. They want the whole kit and caboodle; the brightly colored fish, the flowing plants, the half rotted pirates ship, and the coral reef. Growing a coral reef in your saltwater aquarium is the ultimate goal for many saltwater aquarium enthusiast. Beginners that are just starting a saltwater aquarium are not advised to attempt a reef aquarium. Start with a fish only aquarium and become familiar first, once you have mastered that you will be ready to add one of the hardier breeds of coral to your tank. .....


21. Switching From A Freshwater To A Home Saltwater Aquarium
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22. Testing The Hardness Of Your Aquarium Water
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23. Tips For Successfully Selling A Saltwater Aquarium On E Bay
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24. Types Of Hermit Crabs Should Be Placed In A Saltwater Aquariums
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25. What To Feed Saltwater Fish Aquariums
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26. Aquarium Acrylic Care Kit
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27. Aquarium Care Fish Freshwater
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28. Aquarium Care Goldfish
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29. Aquarium Care Guide
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30. Aquarium Care Saltwater
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31. Aquarium Care
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32. Aquarium Fish Care
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33. Aquarium Plant Care
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34. Care For A Coral Aquarium
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35. Care For Aquarium Live Plants
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36. Care Freshwater Aquarium
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37. Caring For Aquarium Plants
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38. Coldwater Aquarium Care
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39. Coral Reef Care Tanks Aquarium
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40. Fifty Five Gallon Fresh Water Aquarium
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41. Freshwater Aquarium Care
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42. Guppy Care Freshwater Aquarium
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43. Home Aquarium Care
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44. How To Care For Aquarium Catfish
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45. How To Care For Aquarium Fish
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46. Marine Aquarium Care
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47. Saltwater Aquarium Care Tips
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48. Saltwater Aquarium Care
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49. Sand Shark Aquarium Care
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50. Taking Care Of Coral Aquarium
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