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picture1_Competition Pdf 122206 | 607f4627e883654ac4ea0199 Porters 5 Forces

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File: Competition Pdf 122206 | 607f4627e883654ac4ea0199 Porters 5 Forces
porters 5 forces analysis 1 introduction the model of the five competitive forces was developed by michael e porter in his book competitive strategy techniques for analyzing industries and competitors ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Porters forces analysis introduction the model of five competitive was developed by michael e porter in his book strategy techniques for analyzing industries and competitors since that time it has become an important tool organizations industry structure strategic processes is based on insight a corporate should meet opportunities threats external environment especially base understanding structures way they change identied ve shape every market these determine intensity competition hence protability attractiveness objective be to modify improves position organization supports driving information derived from management can decide how inuence or exploit particular characteristics their are typically described as follows bargaining power suppliers term comprises all sources inputs needed order provide goods services supplier likely high when dominated few large rather than fragmented source supply there no substitutes input customers so low switching costs one another possibility integr...

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