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picture1_Digital Marketing Templates Ppt 67388 | Ch 3 0

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File: Digital Marketing Templates Ppt 67388 | Ch 3 0
chapter 3 the digital macro environment main topics the rate of environmental change technological forces economic forces political forces legal forces social forces copyright 2019 2016 2012 pearson education inc ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter the digital macro environment main topics rate of environmental change technological forces economic political legal social copyright pearson education inc all rights reserved introduction we will explore focusing on potential relevance each to marketing strategy reason for keeping track changes in is be aware how behaviour new laws and innovation can create opportunities or threats organisations that monitor respond effectively their differentiation competitive advantages enable business survive prosper world market are increasingly rapid firms should these emerging by developing strategic agility capability innovate gain advantage within a marketplace monitoring an organisation s then efficiently evaluating alternative strategies selecting reviewing implementing appropriate candidate key factors consider internet technology cyber security mobile sms messaging applications apps technologies...

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