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picture1_Competition Pdf 122295 | 21 Competition Policy

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File: Competition Pdf 122295 | 21 Competition Policy
chapter 21 competition policy article 21 1 competition law and authorities 1 each party shall maintain national competition laws that proscribe anticompetitive business conduct to promote competition in order to ...

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...Chapter competition policy article law and authorities each party shall maintain national laws that proscribe anticompetitive business conduct to promote in order increase economic efficiency consumer welfare take appropriate action with respect endeavor apply its all commercial activities territory this does not prevent a from applying outside borders have an nexus jurisdiction may provide for certain exemptions the application of provided those are transparent established based on public interest or grounds authority responsible enforcement ensure policies include treating persons another no less favorably than like circumstances b considering if applicable effect related by c limiting remedies relating assets s situations which there is harm threatened affecting commerce procedural fairness purposes proceeding means judicial administrative following investigation into alleged violation matters occurring before grand jury transparency including writing regarding regulations rules pur...

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