File: Gms 6414 Advanced Renal Physiology And Pathophysiology
advanced renal physiology and pathophysiology course syllabus course number gms 6414 credit hours 2 credit hours course format this online course is tailored for asynchronous distance learners course description this ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Advanced renal physiology and pathophysiology course syllabus number gms credit hours format this online is tailored for asynchronous distance learners description an graduate class also suitable postdoctoral students which will expose to several aspects of kidney function as follows physiological control glomerular filtration in disease regulation sodium excretion morphology transporters mechanisms acid base balance the physiologic responses normal pregnancy teaching faculty drawn from a wide range disciplines all are actively involved research on their areas expertise structure involves lectures by assigned readings examinations lecture material term paper target audience designed individuals wishing depth understanding be useful who have not met entry requirements medical school interested career cardiovascular or nephrology medicine those enhance applications into masters ph d programs sciences prerequisites requires ba bs strong science foundation with at least full semester cours...