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...Maulana abul kalam azad university of technology west bengal formerly syllabus for m sc dietetics nutrition effective academic session semester iii mdn dietary management ii renal disease nephritis epidemiology pathophysiology cause and critical care glomerulitis failure kidney stone nephrolithiasis inborn error metabolism phenylketonuria galactosemia glycogen storagedisease maple syrup urine diseaseepidemiology criticalcare hiv sepsis trauma burns neural diseases parkinsondisease alzeimer sdisease angelemandisease corea athotosisdisease laforadisease huntington coreadisease respiratorydisease asthama chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease respiratory tuberculosis references gibney mj elia ljungqvist dowsett j clinical the society textbook series blackwell publishing company gibson sr principles nutritional assessment nd edition oxford press joshi yk basics jaypee brothers medicalpublishers leerd neimandc nutritionalassessment thedition brown benchmark mahan l k escott stump s krause foo...