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picture1_Leadership Pdf 117551 | 20140808 Mod Acronyms And Abbreviations

picture2_Leadership Pdf 117551 | 20140808 Mod Acronyms And Abbreviations picture3_Leadership Pdf 117551 | 20140808 Mod Acronyms And Abbreviations

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File: Leadership Pdf 117551 | 20140808 Mod Acronyms And Abbreviations
Acronym  Long Title  1ACC   No. 1 Air Control Centre  1SL  First Sea Lord  200D  Second OOD  200W  Second 00W  2C  Second Customer  2C (CL)  Second Customer (Core Leadership)  ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Acronym long title acc no air control centre sl first sea lord d second ood w c customer cl core leadership pm pivotal management cmg group ic in command lt lieutenant nd pus permanent under secretary of state cnh commander chief naval home gl third generation language pl party logistics pn nationals cooperation coordination communication fourth a alteration addition approval and authorisation aew avionics electronic warfare e assurance evaluations er ammunition explosives regulations f assessment feedback rp activity resource planning sd arms service director as advanced supplementary conv analogue digital conversion g airtoground ground r required s antisubmarine or anti submarine wst avionic weapons systems trainer acquisition star ai accelerated architecture initiative ap architectures packaging aa acceptance authority active adjunct administering administrative assistant adviser attache airtoair alternative assumption antiaircraft application administrator area australian army aaa...
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