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picture1_Bakery Powerpoint Template 42865 | Shtasqa2017

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File: Bakery Powerpoint Template 42865 | Shtasqa2017
national qualifications national qualifications national qualifications national qualifications health and food technology national 3 4 5 higher and advanced higher 4049 hospitality practical cake craft national 5 1777 hospitality practical ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...National qualifications health and food technology higher advanced hospitality practical cake craft cookery revised units have been removed from the course content remains only assessment will be recorded effective as of next session at level in audio presentations available on web webinars september events october november courses bakery progression award certificate levels npas certificates professional coordination travel tourism hnc hnd management...

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