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picture1_Academic Pdf 230544 | Academic Integrity Guidelines

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File: Academic Pdf 230544 | Academic Integrity Guidelines
national academic integrity network 1 academic integrity guidelines academic integrity guidelines 2 contents introduction 3 introduction 4 purpose and scope of the non statutory academic integrity guidelines 5 to whom ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...National academic integrity network guidelines contents introduction purpose and scope of the non statutory to whom do these apply what is upholding preventing misconduct protecting detecting managing sanctioning appendix preface nain a peer driven staff members from irish higher education institutions nominated by their registrars student representatives representative agencies with governance oversight provided steering committee coordinated quality qualifications ireland qqi hosted on website as part work have been developed produced working group chaired dr yvonne kavanagh following an extensive process consultation both broad range external stakeholders advisory provide support advice providers professionals nationally enable constructive robust approach including within across would like thank all contributors this hei stakeholder groups others who shared insights feedback various versions prior june published copy it should be noted that are online constitute dynamic document wh...

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