unit 1 extension education an overview structure 1 1 introduction 1 2 the history of extension 1 3 the meaning of extension 1 4 the components of extension 1 5 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Unit extension education an overview structure introduction the history of meaning components philosophy objectives functions and scope principles process development let us sum up keywords references selected readings check your progress possible answers is a diverse valuable relatively new operational concept in india need for workin this area subject matter has grown out due to increased contribution extenkion different sub sectors work appears be best method inducing people help themselves using their own resources maximum government aid minimum discipline attracts first those who want go on become professional workers second or understand portion as part regular training other fields third just study interesting we professionals mostly fall under category i e order implement better programmes further its applications are well known researchers teachers functionaries working agriculture allied sciences but importance application not understood by wider sections therefore purpose ma...