File: Education Pdf 110477 | Nilma Zola Ifdil Rima Pratiwi Fadli Masalah
proceedings ices 2017 international counseling and education seminar the responsibility of counselor and educator in millennium era hfjh http bk fip unp ac id ices2017 pp 43 chromotherapy to reducing ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Proceedings ices international counseling and education seminar the responsibility of counselor educator in millennium era hfjh http bk fip unp ac id pp chromotherapy to reducing stress nilma zola ifdil rima pratiwi fadli universitas negeri padang indonesia nilmazola gmail com konselor org abstract can arise as a result pressure or tension that comes from dissonance between person his environment is an adaptive response external situation results physical psychological aberrations too much threaten s ability face which ultimately disrupts daily life for needed therapy help impact one therapies be used color non pharmacological reduce created because it based on assertion each particular contains healing energies effect affects work sympathetic nerves parasympathetic improves mood provides element relaxation various studies anxiety individuals keywords this open access article distributed under creative commons attribution license permits unrestricted use distribution reproduction any m...