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picture1_Language Pdf 99922 | Rima Fauziah Fah

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File: Language Pdf 99922 | Rima Fauziah Fah
the translation strategy of figurative language in a song of the sea by hsu chih mo s poetry a thesis submitted to letters and humanities faculty in partial fulfillment of ...

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...The translation strategy of figurative language in a song sea by hsu chih mo s poetry thesis submitted to letters and humanities faculty partial fulfillment requirement for degree strata one rima fauziah nim english department state islamic university syarif hidayatullah jakarta abstract august purpose research was analyze used translator written which is translated under title hilang dara datang chairil anwar this done qualitative method with pierinis theory about it also employed writer herself as instrument collected data reading its analyzed justified problems results were eight from ten classified into personification datum hyperbole shifted other rest allusion analysis founds did replacement on seven five replaced different vehicle two others gloss literal number at reduction that appear twenty first line using these strategies succeeded translating source maintained intended meaning or authors intentions however aesthetic values delivered successfully sense sensations target rea...

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