journal of physics conference series paper open access chromotherapy an alternative treatment for mathematics anxiety among elementary school students to cite this article i ifdil et al 2019 j phys ...
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...Journal of physics conference series paper open access chromotherapy an alternative treatment for mathematics anxiety among elementary school students to cite this article i ifdil et al j phys conf ser view the online updates and enhancements content was downloaded from ip address on at st international advance scientific innovation icasi iop publishing doi r p fadli n zola l erwinda a sari e churnia b rangka s solihatun k suranata bariyyah z ardi afdal refnadi zufriani nikmarijal d dahlan fitria m barseli universitas negeri padang west sumatera indonesia indonesian institute counseling education therapy indraprasta pgri jakarta pendidikan ganesha bali kanjuruhan malang east java institut agama islam kerinci jambi syaikh abdurrahman sidik bangka belitung south uin sultan thaha saifuddin putra yptk konselor org abstract is often frightening subject such conditions are caused by stressful learning atmosphere subjects that create experienced in has potential cause depression based used re...