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picture1_Existential Therapy Pdf 109926 | App Enviro Bio Sc, 5(12s)84 90, 2015

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File: Existential Therapy Pdf 109926 | App Enviro Bio Sc, 5(12s)84 90, 2015
j appl environ biol sci 5 12s 84 90 2015 issn 2090 4274 2015 textroad publication journal of applied environmental and biological sciences www textroad com the effect of existential ...

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...J appl environ biol sci s issn textroad publication journal of applied environmental and biological sciences www com the effect existential psychotherapy on depression disorder self creativity using perceptual behavioral flexibility farzan kheirkhah athena aghajani mahbobeh faramarzi psychiatrist social determinants health research center institute babol university medical science iran master degree in clinical psychology department sari branch islamic azad psychologist received july accepted september abstract this study has been conducted to examine how effectively works for treatment affective depressive existentialism is basically a philosophy commitment obligation based assumption that human nothing more than creature who freely chooses from among all possibilities give meaning his own existence there no preconceived aim or end but he should set himself new target at any moment other words whatsoever does out choice reshapes very being achieve question needs be answered important ...

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