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picture1_Society Pdf 159832 | Burnout   Ep 03

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File: Society Pdf 159832 | Burnout Ep 03
european psychotherapy vol 4 no 1 2003 european psychotherapy alfried langle m d ph d international society for logotherapy and existential analysis vienna burnout existential meaning and possibilities of prevention ...

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...European psychotherapy vol no alfried langle m d ph international society for logotherapy and existential analysis vienna burnout meaning possibilities of prevention abstract can be understood as the symptom a non attitude adopted by per son towards his or her life existence misrepresentation reality is such degree that it manifests itself in symptoms vital deficiency on somatic psychological level an internal protection against further harm derived from this understanding has similarities to addiction extends behavioural programs development personality central topic attitudes paper deals with relation experience practice key words vacuum evolution concept definition described specific set arise context work were first identified freudenberger study observed series characteristic exhaus tion irritability cynicism occurring people who had volunteered aid organi sations these volunteers worked great dedication enthusiasm several months prior onset observations burned out contrast their ...

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