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picture1_Diesel Pdf 106796 | Trans Wp29 Grpe 42 Inf18

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File: Diesel Pdf 106796 | Trans Wp29 Grpe 42 Inf18
informal document no 18 42nd grpe 28 31 may 2001 agenda item 4 dual fuel natural gas diesel engines operation applications contribution the european natural gas vehicle association submitted to ...

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...Informal document no nd grpe may agenda item dual fuel natural gas diesel engines operation applications contribution the european vehicle association submitted to group of experts on pollution energy as an there are increasing number in worldwide they provide a relatively easy and inexpensive option higher polluting wide range vehicles degree sophistication these varies depending upon control strategies however have proven reliable many parts world continue expand their market share particularly regions where is major concern health hazard operating characteristics advantages most either bi or dedicated otto cycle spark ignited that run gasoline engine maintains two fuelling systems board system well petrol while not necessarily optimised for tend be more environmentally friendly than advantage running event station readily available operated only compression ratio designed take octane been into consideration combustion so very low based technology primary but operate interchangeably ...

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