material safety data sheet whmis pictograms whmis classification protective clothing tdg pictograms b 3 d 2b 3 section 1 chemical product and company identification product name diesel fuel code w104 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Material safety data sheet whmis pictograms classification protective clothing tdg b d section chemical product and company identification name diesel fuel code w sap synonym ls lc seasonal validated on aa domestic marine international locomotive c lsd low sulphur dyed marked coloured naval distillate manufacturer petro canada in case of p o box emergency canutec transportation calgary alberta tp e poison control centre consult local telephone directory for uses fuels are suitable use high medium speed number s internal combustion engines the compression ignition type composition information ingredients exposure limits acgih cas v tlv twa h stel ceiling oil not established proprietary additives available f auto closed cup temperature fire hazards flammable presence open flames sparks or explosion containers may explode heat do vapours heavier than air travel cut weld drill pressurize empty various considerable distance to sources container vapour hazard indoors substances flash back th...