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25 Diesel VS Gasoline Vehicles Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Diesel VS Gasoline vehicles. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Advantages Of Diesel Engines
..... If you've owned a diesel powered vehicle in the past or if you own one now, you no doubt appreciate the qualities this engine provides you with. More torque, better fuel economy, and easier maintenance .....


2. Diesel And Gas Prices
..... Over the years, the prices of both gas and diesel have experienced some drastic changes. Many years ago, the price of gas was around a dollar or a little more, nothing like it is today. Back then, .....


3. Diesel Engines And Well Known Gas
..... In passenger cars, the diesel engine has never really caught on. During the middle to late 70s, diesel engines in passenger cars did notice a surge in sales due to the OPEC oil embargo, although that is .....


4. Diesel Engines Forgotten Treasures
..... There are very few engine configurations that promise increased fuel economy and power. There are few engines that offer this in addition to reliability. Today, those across the ocean are enjoying the .....


5. Diesel Fuel Quality
..... The designs of diesel engines striving to increase performance have made a lot of advancements in engine fuel delivery to the combustion chamber. The diesel engines of today are much quieter, smoother, and .....


6. Diesel Or Not
..... Diesel is often looked at as being smelly, noisy, and many think the only place for it is in a tractor. The truth to diesel vehicles is that they are slow, noisy, smelly, although they are cheaper to run than gas. .....


7. Diesel Passenger Vehicles
..... Both diesel cars and light trucks are receiving a lot of attention in the United States as a near term strategy to achieve fuel economy and climate change goals. .....


8. Diesel Vehicles
..... As you probably already know, diesel engines get better fuel economy than gas, simply because they don't need to burn as much fuel as gasoline engines to get the same amount of power. Diesel engines .....


9. Diesel Versus Gasoline
..... A diesel engine will go much farther on a gallon of fuel that the standard gasoline engine because of their designs, and due to the higher energy density of a gallon of diesel fuel. But, .....


10. Diesel Versus Spark Engine Ignition
..... As you may already be aware of, diesel engines are more efficient than gasoline engines of the same power, resulting in much lower fuel usage. For an efficient turbo diesel, the average is 40% more miles .....


11. Gas Diesel Hybrid War
..... These days, gasoline prices may be crimping your your household budget. You may like to reduce the U.S. dollars that flow to the Middle East for oil, or perhaps you are motivated by your concern .....


12. Gas Saving Tips
..... Are you tired of the continuing rise in gasoline price? If you are, you're not alone. In this article, you'll find a few excellent tips designed to help you save a bit of your hard earned money. .....


13. Gas Tractor Versus Diesel Tractor
..... There are many different reasons as to why a diesel compact tractor is superior to a gasoline garden tractor. .....


14. Gas Trucks Versus Diesel Trucks
..... If you plan to use your truck like a car, desiring quick, quiet acceleration and rarely ever haul a heavy load and don't plan to it for a long time, you may want a gasoline engine. Gas engines run .....


15. Gas VS Diesel Boats
..... As you may know, diesel engines aren't something you should take lightly. There are good reasons why the rush to put them in cars back in the 70s flopped. Diesel isn't the ideal power source for .....


16. Gas Versus Diesel
..... Cost Due to the high compression ratios and resulting high cylinder pressure in diesel engines, they must be built to withstand a lot more punishment .....


17. Gasoline Credit Cards
..... With gasoline getting more and more expensive, you've probably found yourself wondering what you can do. Even with the rising costs of gas and fuel, you still need it to go places. No matter how you look .....


18. Gasoline Engines
..... Gas engines are known as internal combustion engines and are divided into two general classes, specifically two cycle and four cycle engines. A cycle of an engine represents one stroke of the piston or one .....


19. General Information On Diesel Engines
..... Diesel engines offer the lowest specific fuel usage of any other large internal combustion engine. The fact remains, two-stroke diesels with high pressure forced induction, particularly turbo charging, make .....


20. How Diesel Engines Work
..... When gas is compressed, the temperature of it will rise, with diesel engines using this very property to ignite the fuel. Air is then drawn into the cylinder and compressed by the rising piston at a much high .....


21. Hydrogen Boosted Gas Engines
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22. Industrial Diesel Engines
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23. Most Fuel Efficient Vehicles
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24. Why People Use Diesel
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25. Why You Should Choose Diesel
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