File: Diesel Pdf 106766 | Dyed Diesel Penalty Assessment
nebraska dyed diesel penalty assessments this guidance document is advisory in nature but is binding on the nebraska department of revenue department until amended a guidance document does not include ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Nebraska dyed diesel penalty assessments this guidance document is advisory in nature but binding on the department of revenue until amended a does not include internal procedural documents that only affect operations and impose additional requirements or penalties regulated parties confidential information rules regulations made accordance with administrative procedure act if you believe imposes may request review fuel untaxed intended solely for non highway purposes contains red dye using motor vehicle registered required to be operation subjects owner any law enforcement officer carrier agent who has reasonable grounds suspect violation inspect supply tank determine compliance inspections also conducted course safety other person violates provision refuses permit an inspection shall guilty class iv misdemeanor subject amount ranges from depending upon existence previous violations sample taken will tested presence detected assessed assessment form letter issued by it explain your op...