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...Product catalog dayel diesel www dayeldiesel com injection test repair solutions common rail eui eup injector testing pump benches cr coding tools systems accessories auxiliary equipments dpf stage garage tester makina san tic a ikitelli osb ataturk blv mehmet cakici is merkezi no basaksehir istanbul turkey tel gsm web email tr info about us the turkish company experienced in production of new age like edc pc unit and mechanical founded by mr cengiz dayioglu son kaan inside rbtr bosch as after sales service since started to produce at first pcs yearly has experiences training all our aim universal easy use low cost qualified we have year experience electronic between so can world also code equipment for delphi denso piezo injectors dear friends come what s vehicles how long will stay on usage they say that fossil fuel end oil manufacturers who fight war want t easily give up battery electric are quite expensive short lasting due it be produced with small quantities fsi tsi already been...