j child lang 35 2008 291 323 f2008 cambridge university press doi 10 1017 s0305000907008471 printed in the united kingdom turkish children use morphosyntactic bootstrapping in interpreting verb meaning tilbegoksun ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...J child lang f cambridge university press doi s printed in the united kingdom turkish children use morphosyntactic bootstrapping interpreting verb meaning tilbegoksun temple and koc aylinc kuntay letitiar naigles of connecticut received august revised may abstract how might syntactic apply which employs inectional morphology to indicate grammatical relations allows argument ellipsis we investigated whether speakers interpret constructions dierently depending on number nps sentence presence accusative case marking causative morpheme data were collected from adults an adaptation gleitman partici pants acted out sentences transitive intransitive verbs four dierent frames enactments coded for causativity increased two decreased one albeit a lesser extent than previously found this work has been supported by academy sciences framework young scientist award program aylin c ea tuba gebip sponsored letitia sabbatical portions research have presented at meeting international association study l...